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There is more to skin care than simply cleaning the skin and using cream on it. Skin care is also preventing your skin from unnecessary sun damage. Sun damage is something that can affect you if you don't pay attention well أخطار الفركشنال ليزر enough to your skin. Read on to find out how to protect your skin from all sorts of hazards.

If you want to improve acne and other skin problems, get as much fresh air and sunshine as possible. An easy way to get enough sun is to make a little outdoors time part of your daily schedule. Eat lunch at the park. Sunshine helps the body to produce vitamin D, one of the vitamins essential for healthy skin.

Use lotions that are unscented. One ingredient to avoid is alcohol. Make sure you review the contents of all skin care products you are considering buying. If alcohol or fragrances are listed, skip over the item.

Try exfoliating three times weekly to maintain a healthy-looking face. Consider scrubs formulated specifically for facial skin. For sensitive skin, choose an exfoliant that includes a moisturizer. The benefits of exfoliating include removal of dead skin cells and unclogging pores. Regular exfoliating will result in radiant skin.

Apply your sunscreen using a sponge like those used for make-up. The sponge will spread the sunscreen more evenly and you won't have to touch the lotion. Using a sponge to dab on sunscreen allows maximum absorption for your skin while your hands remain clean.

Skin care is more than just special cleaners and beauty products. It encompasses broad measures, including protection from sun damage, cleansing and nourishing your skin from within. There are many ways to help protect your skin. There are other considerations as well, all detailed above. If you follow the advice given in this article, you should have healthy, sun-damage free skin.